Rhus Radicans Poison Ivy - don't touch |
Today was another pleasant low-key day in CDA. Brenda was feeling a little better today, so she stopped over and we went to the Costco Store. Sort of like Sam's Club - very big and very busy - good prices. Then we went downtown to Hudson's Hamburgers, a long time tradition in CDA. The 17 counter stools were filled and people were lined up waiting to sit down or just to order. We took our order to go - very good. Then Brenda dropped me off at Tubb's Hill where I made my annual hike around the hill. Brenda and Eve did some geocaching and picked me up after I made the circuit in about 40 minutes. A good workout.
Then off for a few more geocaches. When we were doing one cache along the lakeshore, we passed some pretty, bright red plants which I recognized as the dreaded poison ivy. Nice fall color. Notice the white berries in the photo; another tip off identifying the itchy stuff.
Brenda went home for a while and will return to send us off for our 47th anniversary dinner at Angelo's, an Italian restaurant just a few blocks from our house.
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